Sjoerd Alblas
4 min readJul 27, 2020

Sjoerd Alblas, Founder & CEO of the PUVIDA GROUP 15 july 2020

At its core, PUVIDA is a digital identity bank that makes it possible to store an identity. We also make it possible to describe yourself as an identity and we offer all the digital building blocks to do this in the best way possible so that everyone knows who you are. In addition, we make it possible to communicate digitally with each other in the easiest way so that relationships can arise based on real identities.​

As an Identity Bank, we are the holder of an identity and this brings a great responsibility with it. So we think we have to be really clear about how we store this identity-related information and how we make it available and on what conditions.

It all starts with the first step when an identity wants to use PUVIDA to store his identity. We only allow real identities related to real people and the identity-related information needs to be correct and we will verify this. When this is done we build a save login system that is only accessible by the real person with face ID checks, or other reliable ID checks. And the holder can optionally add people who manage this account under his control.

Also, we will encrypt everything, and you as an identity holder have the freedom and responsibility in how and with whom you connect in a public or private way, it’s your choice, so you can build your own hubs. And we will create different categories so you can find everything easily. We will never share any information with anyone and we will give you the freedom to express yourself in any way possible. We will never censor any information, you have total freedom of speech. In this way, we can guarantee that you as an identity have full power and responsibility for your information.

In fact, we offer an opportunity to build a digital extension of yourself and thereby make it possible to meet digitally. As a human you have your body that holds your identity and you as an identity are free to use it in any way possible, it only needs some good amount of air and food. We as PUVIDA will give you the option to have a digital version of yourself as an identity and we as PUVIDA only need an annual subscription to stay alive and make this possible.

So our business model is based on subscriptions and not based on advertisements or commissions. We will ask €50 annually for all personal subscriptions, and a business account will start at €150 annually. We will create different paywalls for creators for around €100 annually. With this, we can build a strong platform for creators, and people that consume this content are paying for it.​

It’s my personal belief that we have to leave all business models based on advertisements and commissions because these business models create a digital world that is not free and based on illusions. Those business models tear us apart as humans and entrepreneurs and don’t give us what we want. They are bloodsucking business models that suck the blood out of any business and time out of people so they can control what’s done and what is good for you. They don’t give a fuck about you as an entrepreneur nor you as a human being, so I think this needs to end so we can build a digital world that’s honest, based on trust, and give you the freedom to be whom you want to be and support you in this.​

As humans, we are responsible for our own lives and if we take this seriously, we can create our own reality. If we are not free to create this and create an illusion that others know what is good for us, then we are lost as humans. So it’s important to know who you are and that the people that you trust give you the freedom to live life on your terms. That’s why I want PUVIDA to be a place that is built on this mindset because I think this can create a New Digital World and thereby a whole New Visible World as well, that helps us as humans in a new fresh direction that is built on Trust, Flow, Love and a strong belief in Abundance.

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Sjoerd Alblas

(Digital) Organic fertile soil creator. New Physical world facilitator. Creator of tailor-made real Farmhouse experiences https://www.lebron.foundation/