
Sjoerd Alblas
3 min readSep 22, 2023
Coldplay — Magic

Cold — Play

Cris Martin | Spotify is presenting Manuscripts with all the songs his band is playing.

These Manuscripts tell a story about our potential as a collective.

Coldplay — Magic is showing how the game of life is playing out on a global scale.

Coldplay — Magic

So we can stop this lunatic Gladiator Hunger Games we all played and are still playing as a worldwide collective.

Coldplay — Politik is telling how The End Game of The Hunger Games of politics is played. The End of All Evil

Coldplay — Politik

Coldplay ⭕️ is telling how we can trust our intuition so we as a collective can dance together, as one again Like a flog of Birds 🕊️, but on an individual level and on an unconditional level.

Coldplay ⭕️

Coldplay — A Sky Full Of Stars we are like stars, and The Cosmos is visible in our eyes. And when we Reset ourselves back to the great source code, again, we give everything we have and become a vessel for the most epic Unconditional Love story in the Universe, because we innerstand who we really are and assist the collective in this beautiful End Game: The Great Awakening we are in right now as a worldwide collective.

Coldplay — A Sky Full Of Stars

Coldplay X Selena Gomez — Let Somebody Go, tells a story about the end & that ‘’the end will not be for everyone’’. But if we innerstand that all Death is, in reality, a transition, we can avoid a trauma, because we innerstand that all Death is, in reality, all self-chosen and we can prepare for this Separation that is playing out and will play out more and more in the coming days, weeks and years ahead and that this separation game is necessary for the transition we are in, as a worldwide collective, so we can start a New Fresh Game of Life, The Unconditional Game here in the physical reality we all share as a Worldwide Collective of Gods and Goddess and The Great Creators.

Coldplay X Selena Gomez — Let Somebody Go

We can’t go back & we won’t.
The choice is yours.

The Greatest Reclaiming of Abundance Together we will reclaim the stream of wealth in an epic form, so we can build The Great New World in an epic form, again.
End Time & New Start: Are You Ready?
Coldplay — People Of The Pride
End Time | Coldplay — Coloratura | New Paradigm

Let There Be Peace Play List
The only choice we as a collective have to make is giving up our conditional mindset, and all our conditional contracts, that’s it.

Let’s break this thing down, this terrorist organisation called: Crazy Lunatic Governments.

It’s Time, we got this and we can do this together, yes.



Sjoerd Alblas

Digital organic fertile soil creator. New Physical world facilitator. Starting a new game with PUVIDA & The Great Unfuck Movements